Mazagon Dock Limited Recruitment 2014 for 300+ Vacancies as Assistant & More Vacancies : :Last Date 27th August 2014:

Organization:Mazagon Dock Limited.
vacancy Id : not mentioned
Job Typre :Govt Job
Opening: Multiple to see more details
Package/Salary offered: INR 27,000+other benifits per month
Last date: 27 August 2014
Exprience: Fresher
Job type: Full Time
Job Location: Mumbai,India
Click here for official Details and Application
Age Limit:Maximum age limit is 33 years and minimum age limit not less than 18 years as on 1st March, 2014
Age relaxations for all Trades:
i) Relaxation in upper age limit is 3 years for OBC (NCL) and 5 years for SC/STcandidates as per rules.
ii) Relaxation in upper age limit for persons with disability (40% and above) 10years for General candidates, 13 years for OBC candidates and 15 years forSC/ST candidates as per Govt. Rules.
iii) Ex. Trade apprentices of MDL will get age relaxation to the extent of their period of apprenticeship training in MDL over and above the other relaxation at 4 to above as per Govt. directives.
iv) Ex. Employees who have worked in MDL on contract basis shall get agerelaxation of 5 years over and above the other relaxations at 4(i) to 4(iii) above.
v) Ex-servicemen who have put in not less than 6 months continuous service in the Armed forces of the Union will be given relaxation in age to the extent of period of service plus 3 years.
Probation Period:
Selected candidates will be on probation for six months
About Mazagon:
Mazagon Dock is one of the biggest and well known company to work for in India. Mazagon Dock hire both freshers and experienced candidates across India every year.They also hire many candidates through walk-in and campus placements every year as they are the pioneer and a very big brand name of IT industry in India.Mazagon Dock usually hire every year and recruit many candidates and offer them very good salary package One of the plus point to work in this company is their working environment...see more
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